January 29, 2022


One can best understand auditing information systems by first understanding auditing from an accounting perspective. On hearing the term auditing, most of our minds quickly relate it to accounting, as it is where we often use the term. It is the process through which accountants review the company’s financial documents […]
January 29, 2022


WHY ORGANIZATIONS SHOULD INVEST IN IT Off-site data storage has become increasingly important to organizations. Organization data, its storage and analysis aren’t a new phenomenon. It has always been a critical element that determines decision-making in organizations across industries. What has changed is the methods of gathering, organizing, analyzing and […]
January 29, 2022


The Beginning Allow me to narrate to you a short story. The beginning of my brand consistency journey. Today, a client, Bob, whom I’ve offered solutions for close to a decade, asked me what I enjoy most about my work? I paused for about a minute to figure out what […]
January 29, 2022

What are SSL certificates?

What are SSL certificates? How do they work? And why do you need one? These are all questions I will attempt to answer in this article. First, what are SSL certificates? An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates a web site’s identity and enables an encrypted connection. The […]
January 29, 2022

Restaurant Domain Name

For regular followers of this blog, you’ve probably gotten a good understanding of domain names and subdomains. I have discussed this in length in previous articles. I have also written on specifics such as salon domain names and retail store domain names. This article will highlight things you should consider […]
January 28, 2022

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Most of us have probably heard this term mentioned in passing but don’t know what it means. Affiliate marketing is when a company pays a third party (you) to advertise its products/services and generate leads on their behalf. The third-party doing the advertising is known as an affiliate. Affiliate marketing […]
January 28, 2022

Car Dealership Domain Name

For regular followers of this blog, you’ve probably gotten a good understanding of domain names and subdomains. I have discussed this in length in previous articles. I have also written on specifics such as salon domain names and retail store domain names. This article will highlight things you should consider […]
January 28, 2022

Salon Domain Name

For regular followers of this blog, you’ve probably gotten a good understanding of domain names and subdomains. I have discussed this in length in previous articles. This article will look at five things you should consider when choosing a salon domain name. How long is your salon domain name? The […]
January 28, 2022

Retail Store Domain Name

For regular followers of this blog, you’ve probably gotten a good understanding of domain names and subdomains. I have discussed this in length in previous articles. This article will look at five things you should consider when choosing a retail store domain name. The length of your retail store domain […]