Website Design in Kenya


Welcome to the forefront of website design in Kenya, where innovation meets creativity and businesses thrive in the digital realm. 

Softlink Options Limited, a leading IT solutions provider, is proud to present its cutting-edge Website Design Solutions tailored for businesses in Kenya.

What we consider when building your website

  •   The website serves the intended purpose.  We engage our clients to discover their intended website dream/function
  •   Your website can be found by those searching for your products/services.
  •   Your website brand stands out from your competitors
  •   Your website design is appealing keeping your visitors always coming back for more
  •   Your website visitors easily navigate around and find what they are looking for.
  •   It is easy to updated so that content stays fresh.

 What we avoid when building your website

  •   Too many obsolete or unnecessary features that clutter your website outlook
  •   Brand distortion: This occurs when corporate brand guidelines are not followed or when there is a mismatch in the feel of your website and your brand.

Importance of website design for businesses in Kenya

The Power of Website Design:

A well-designed website  serves as a virtual storefront, making a lasting first impression on potential customers. Moreover, website design goes beyond aesthetics; it is about creating a seamless user experience that captures visitors’ attention, encourages engagement, and drives conversions.

Therefore, Softlink Options’ Website Design Solutions focus on creating user-centric, visually appealing, and high-performing websites that align with your business goals.

Navigating Unique Challenges in the Kenyan Market:

Businesses in Kenya face distinct challenges in their online journey. Firstly, they must cater to diverse audiences across different regions. Secondly, optimizing websites for varying internet speeds and mobile devices is crucial.

As a result, localizing the user experience is essential, and Softlink Options understands these challenges. Consequently, our team customizes website design solutions to resonate with the Kenyan market.

Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Designs:

With a significant portion of internet users accessing websites on mobile devices, having a responsive and mobile-friendly design is paramount.

Softlink Options ensures that your website adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes, providing visitors with an optimal viewing experience and easy navigation.

Consequently, this approach enhances user engagement and supports your website’s visibility in search engine rankings.

Engaging Visuals and Intuitive Interface:

Attracting and retaining visitors requires engaging visuals and an intuitive interface.

As a result, Softlink Options’ Website Design Solutions incorporate captivating graphics, striking images, and compelling content to tell your brand’s story effectively.

Additionally, user-friendly navigation and clear calls-to-action guide visitors toward desired actions, increasing the likelihood of conversions and business growth.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Integration:

Softlink Options’ Website Design Solutions integrate SEO best practices from the outset.

These practices range from keyword optimization to meta tags and page speed, ensuring our websites are search engine friendly. Thus, helping your business rank higher in search results and attract organic traffic.

Seamless E-Commerce Integration:

For businesses in Kenya looking to venture into e-commerce, Softlink Options provides seamless integration of e-commerce functionalities.

These solutions include secure payment gateways, product catalogs, and user-friendly checkout processes, creating a convenient and trustworthy shopping experience for your customers.


Our custom-designed websites are tailored to resonate with the Kenyan market, create exceptional user experiences, and drive meaningful engagement.

Partner with Softlink Options and unlock the potential of your brand in the digital realm.

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