Supplier Relationship Management System

In August 2014, President Uhuru Kenyatta issued a directive to all government agencies to automate their procurement system and abandon manual and labor intensive procurement systems which are time consuming and prone to manipulation. The directive which aims at enhancing transparency on how tenders are awarded targets all organizations which are part and parcel of the government and are financed by the government. This includes not only public agencies but also public institutions such as Universities and all Parastatals.

By June 2015, 19 state corporations under the National Treasury had completed all the set ups for IFMIS E- procurement system and by August 2015 the 19 corporation had put the procure to pay system in use.

E-tendering software is a tool that helps run tenders and requests for proposals more efficiently than email, fax or phone. It helps compose and publish tenders, communicate with suppliers, evaluate bids and select the best vendor. E-tendering software is of great value to both the management team and procurement professionals.

What does a simple Supplier relationship management system do?

  • Forthcoming tenders can be accessed early through subscribing to tender companies and having an early warning system. Chasing these documents is very time consuming.
  • It can serve as a database of key information e.g. text, photos, graphs etc that are needed to build in to the bid submission
  • Previous bids are all kept in one place for reference
  • Detailed records are kept of times and dates of submissions, win and lose statistics with interrogation facilities
  • Less time needed searching for the relevant information and statutory forms and attachments.
  • One place where you can search for best practices to re-use for other bids.

Solutions brought by automated tender alerts.

  • Strategic Sourcing: Identify new markets and opportunities. Manage contracts and experience efficiency in sourcing by monitoring procurement spend
  • E-procurement: Experience our simplified secure E-procurement solution that manages your bidding process for you to save money and time.
  • Contract Management:  Monitors expenditure against budget, manage change and reduce risk while ensuring efficient information flow.
  • Supplier Management: Identify your suppliers, manage information, nurture relationship, measure their performance with our end to end solution.

One thing that has become evident during the implementation of this initiative is apart from the common requirements such KRA PIN, Tax compliance certificate and AGPO certificate there is need for a suppliers to have a domain name and an official registered email address for their business. By this I mean if your company name is for instance ABC then you should register a domain like   and your email read like  which you will use to register as a supplier with the government agencies.

For security reasons, the newly adopted Supplier Relationship Management systems by the agencies do not accept free email addresses such as gmail and yahoo which can be easily tampered with and make the efforts of the SRM systems to ensure transparency, accountability and speed of procurement and payment of suppliers be in vain.

For over ten years we at Softlink Options  have been in the business of registering domain names and managing our clients business emails. Customer service being our greatest strength you are sure of getting the best services from us.You can get tender alerts on a monthly basis by subscribing on tender alert website. This enables to get tender notices instantly and apply them.

Enquiry Form

For enquiry about our domain and email management services fill out below form:

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