Joining various WhatsApp groups aimed at facilitating the buying and selling of goods and services has allowed me to observe different approaches taken by people. Some adopt harsh tones and dismissive attitudes towards potential customers, which made me question the effectiveness of such strategies. Reflecting on my own long-standing customers, I realized that the key to their loyalty lies in connecting with them on a personal level before considering them as customers.
The Power of Connection with people:
Simon: Embracing Openness
- Simon, referred to us by a former client, has been with us for over a decade.
- Our initial meetings were held in humble settings, as we were a startup without an office.
- Rather than pretending to be more established than we were, we encouraged Simon to pursue his idea despite its limitations.
- We connected with Simon at a human level, fostering trust and genuine support.
Magdalen (Late): Understanding Needs and Limitations
- Magdalen faced challenges with her ICT-related issues, including a non-performing website, email problems, and software difficulties.
- We acknowledged our own limitations and proposed being her guinea pig, providing assistance wherever we could.
- Our open approach allowed her to be honest about her own shortcomings, fostering a collaborative relationship built on understanding.
John: Offering Flexibility and Trust
- John’s business was located near ours, and we witnessed its growth firsthand.
- Recognizing the financial constraints of a startup, we offered discounted rates and flexible payment terms.
- As John’s company flourished, we adjusted our pricing accordingly, cementing our long-term partnership based on trust and mutual support.
The Lawyer: Going Beyond Expectations
- When I needed legal assistance to formalize my business, I immediately turned to a friend who was working in a law firm.
- Despite limited resources, he offered pro-bono paperwork assistance, with me handling the legwork and fees.
- Today, he runs his own practice, and I remain a loyal client, prioritizing his services and valuing our initial personal connection.
By prioritizing personal connections and treating individuals as people first, businesses can foster long-lasting customer relationships. Openness, understanding, flexibility, and going beyond expectations are essential in building trust and loyalty. As customers feel seen, supported, and valued, they become more likely to choose a company repeatedly, even in the face of competition.