Onsite data backup entails storing important data on a periodic basis on local storage devices, such as hard drives, DVDs, magnetic tapes, or CDs. Offsite data backup requires storing important data on a remote server, usually via the Internet, although it can also be done via direct access.
Onsite data backup has some advantages over offsite backup including:
Offsite data backup has some advantages over onsite data backup, including:
Then again, just as onsite data backup has some disadvantages, the same holds true for offsite data backup. For one thing, since the data is stored offsite, it can be tricky to access the data when it is needed. For example, some of the offsite data servers will be routinely taken offline in order to perform preventive maintenance. During that time period, access to the offsite data will either be severely limited or completely cut off. In most cases, clients who use offsite data backup are given plenty of notice when a site is going down for maintenance or repair.