Sales Force Manager (O-CRM)

Most organizations are often looking for ways to empower their sales force team. How can O-CRM enable your organization to do this? This is the question we seek to answer always as we re-engineer the CRM year after year.

Let us first consider the problems that most Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) face today within their customer facing departments i.e. Sales, Marketing :

  • Data loss especially when sales staff leaves the organization
  • Poor Management of sales staff in the field as reports are scattered
  • Rigid systems only accessible in the office Lost call-logs of incoming calls of interested clients
  • Poor invoice, quotation and LPO tracking
  • Wrong quotations/Invoices being sent by the sales team to clients causing this duty be assigned to one or two people.
  • Frequent price changes not automated.
  • Loss of sales data
  • Poor tracking of emails sent to clients
  • Feedback tracking from the sales team e.g. client meeting feedback
  • Manual sales commission computation leading to sales commission disputes
  • Managing Cash Flow
  • Lack of communication between departments
  • Scattered client information i.e. quotations, invoices, contracts, manuals etc. in different locations.
  • Lengthy document search process in manual files or soft copy folders
  • Inability to track customer complaints, incoming and outgoing calls etc.


Our O-CRM software tool assists many companies to achieve more out of available resources. It will certainly optimize your business process. As part of our Business Management Systems suit, O-CRM has the ability to be hosted online or on local server. You can also sign up for a monthly package PAYG starting from Ksh 1,999 This is inclusive of:

  • Hosting Support
  • 30 GB Disk Space

Also Available

  • Invoice, quotation, LPO logo customization
  • Dash board customization
  • Report customization
  • System administrator support
  • Reports generator
  • Customers’ records
  • Sales details i.e. Lead, Opportunities, Quotations, Sales Orders, Contracts

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